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The Address Book© - Version 1.5
1. Description
The Address Book allows your ST to organize all your standard address
books into a useful telephone book data base. Along with the normal features
of adding, editing, and deleting, the Address Book allows you to print
mailing labels and an entire telephone listing. And with a modem hooked up,
it will dial a phone number for you.
2. Let's Get Started
Upon double clicking the ADDRESS.PRG name from the desktop, the main
screen will appear, and the program will try to load the ADDRESS.DAT data
file. If it can't find the file, it will ask you to create one. Please do
so if one does not exist. To get the data file to load when running the
program after you have created one, it must be in the same folder(or root
directory) as the program. If not you will be asked to create a new one.
The Address Book will work in any folder, no matter what level.
3. Commands
To use the Address Book, just enter the letter that is in the
parenthesis at the 'Enter Selection:?' prompt for the command that you
wish to perform. (example - enter an 'A' to add a record)
(A)dd - Will allow you to add a new record. The cursor will move
to the Name field and wait for you to enter the data.
PRESS RETURN when finished. The cursor then moves to the
next field. Just repeat the above instructions until
you enter all the data. If you wish to leave a field
blank, just PRESS RETURN. Leave a space in between the
first and last names so the sort will work properly.
(example - John/Jane Doe)
(E)dit - Will allow you to edit an old record. The cursor will move
to the Name field and wait for you to delete the field
with the delete or backspace key. After you have deleted
the field, type in the new data and PRESS RETURN.
If you don't want to change a field, just PRESS RETURN.
After you have made all of the changes, you will be
prompted to Save the new changes. Enter a 'Y' if you
wish to, or 'N' if you don't. So if you make a mistake when
editing, you can always start over.
(N)ext - Pressing an 'N' will move you to the next record.
(P)revious - Pressing a 'P' will move you back one record.
(R)ing Person- With a modem hooked up and on, it will dial the phone #
for the record you have on the screen.
(Help) Key - Pressing the help key while in the program will provide you
with on-line help.
(F)ind Name - After pressing an 'F', you will be prompted to enter a
name to search for. Like a standard telephone book, if you
are looking for a name that starts with a 'T', you open the
book to were the 'T's start. With the Address Book you can
do the same by just entering a 'T' when prompted for the name
to search for and it will take you to the first record whose
last name starts with a 'T'. Also you can enter the first few
characters in a name, or the full name for the search.
(S)ort - Will sort the records by last name alphabetically.
(D)elete - Will delete the record you you have on the screen
(P)rint Labels Will allow you to print mailing labels. You will be
prompted for proper spacing. Multiple labels are supported.
(P)rint Book - Will print a complete address telephone book.
(Q)uit - exits program.
4. The Shareware Concept
The Address Book is Shareware and may not be sold by any individual.
We encourage you to freely copy and share this program with other ST users.
If you decide to use the program, support the Shareware marketing concept
by becoming a registered user. The registration fee is used to further
develop this program and other new products, and to provide us with a
modest return for our efforts. Our future existence depends on the
support of our users, and we feel once you've tried the Address Book,
you'll be honest enough to become a registered user.
The registration fee is only $10.00, which includes the following:
1. Receive a new Address Book program with your own registration number.
2. Full telephone support.
3. Free updates on any new improvements made to the program.
Considering making the Address Book an ACC....
Unregestered copies of the program will only allow for 500 names.
Registered copies will allow up to 3000 names for a 512k machine and
over 6000 names for a 1 meg machine.
Please send your Registration fee to:
Infinity Software
c/o Scott E. Wade
938 S. Weyant Ave.
Columbus, OH 43227
Include the program name and version number. This can be found at the
top of the help screen. Also include the amount of memory in your machine.
Please feel free to send any comments or bugs in the program to the
above address.
I hope you enjoy the Address Book.